Stuff Portrait Friday: A good cause
October is breast cancer awareness month, so this week, Kristine had us pay homage to the girls.
1. Your Pot Holders (Oven Mits)
2. Your Pumpkins (or Melons)
3. Something Pink
My oven mitts. Safety first in the kitchen. That’s what I always say. These celestial-themed mitts are from the early 90s when I had my first apartment in Lexington, KY. I was so happy to have my own kitchen, so I had to be sure it was cool. And it was. So cool. These mitts have seen a lot of heat, as is evident from the worn thumb. I should replace them, but oven mitts are not high on my list of things I want to buy myself. Perhaps a bridal registry item?
My pumpkins (or melons). Well, I have neither pumpkins nor melons, whether speaking metaphorically or literally. But, how do you like them apples?
Something pink. My pink lid from my Yoplait raspberry yogurt, which is also pink. And yummy. I love me some yogurt. Do you remember when they first came out with these pink lids and they said “Let’s lick breast cancer” or something to that effect? I thought it was kind of perverted. Then again, my mind dwells in the vicinity of the gutter, so maybe it’s just me.
Did you play this week? It’s pretty easy, and you still have time!