Random and Odd: Shaun Style
This week, Kristine‘s fiance Shaun took over assigning our SPF, while his soon-to-be better half spent some time preparing for their wedding. Originally, he requested a photo of the front and back of our charge card with the most available credit. Funny, Shaun. You’re funny.
1. Something with a story behind it.
This is me, taking pole dancing lessons at Rachel’s bachelorette party. If you told me three years ago that I’d be doing this, I would have sent you to narcotics anonymous because clearly you would have been smoking crack. Not that I was a pole-a-phobe, but back then Rachel and I were as far from being friends as two people could be. From tragic and heart-breaking circumstances, we formed a close friendship. And both of us still think it’s weird.
2. A Random and Odd photo.
I took this in New York, on the street where Sex and the City filmed Carrie Bradshaw’s stoop outside her apartment. Yeah, yeah, I went on the Sex and the City tour. Shut up. I’m a TV junkie and pop culture freak, so how could I help myself? I think this photo is odd because obviously it is meant to keep dogs from ruining this little garden, but dogs can’t read, duh. Except maybe Eddie, from Frasier. I’ll bet he could read. RIP, little dude.
3. In keeping with the recurring wedding theme, a photo of something borrowed.
Recently while Luce was on tour in Philadelphia, their van, trailer, instruments and gear were stolen from their hotel parking lot. This forced the band to cancel some of their dates and suffer great financial hardship. Money can buy another guitar, but it’s not going to replace the one your wife gave you. Dylan, the band’s guitarist received a call from a friend who had heard about the robbery. He offered to send Dylan his Telecaster, asking him to take it around the country on tour and play the sh!t out of it. Dylan asked me to take a picture of him with the guitar so he could send it to his friend and during the show, I captured the “something borrowed” in action.
So, did you accept Shaun’s challenge? Didja play? Didja?
OK the pole dancing just cracks me up! In three years I don’t plan to be doing that though!
Stinks about having all their stuff stolen. It’s good to have friends you can borrow from.
Yowsa! Pole dancing looks dangerous! cool story.
Not sure what to say about the second shot.
I wish I could play guitar. That was a cool story to for the borrowed.
I played.
I’m loving the pole dancing, way to go 🙂
Isn’t it great when a friend comes through for ya?
As for the pee pee picture – The staff was dissapointed to realize the new sign was written in English, not dog as orignally intended.
those are all great pictures. i couldn’t tell you which one is my favorite. they all kinda have a cute story behind (even the “pee pee” one) 🙂
happy SPF and i played, too.
Do you get to keep the Pole Shoes?? I love those shoes..hehehe
I loved Eddie from Frasier, and I too bet he could read 🙂
Happy SPF 🙂
Oh the Sex and the City tour? I am jealous – I would so do that
I played too
There’s a stripper in you who wants out!!
WTH is up with that sign? You can’t tell your dog to hold it.
What a nice “borrowed” story! Luv the pee pee sign!
I played too 🙂
Caption for the second one: John was disappointed when this sign appeared on his favorite bench.
I played!
that is a sad but nice story about the guitar. People are at their best when things are down aren’t they?
And yes that is definitely a pole-dancer in the closet!
I played too have a great weekend!
Love the “pee-pee” signage. We could use that on some benches here in Baltimore.
I don’t even think I have enough upper body strength for a pole dance- Can you do it laying down?
I played
No pee-pee, LOL! That is too funny! You go with your pole dancin’ self!
I played.
Such great photos and stories. That sign is weird, but whatever works I suppose.
I played
The please no pee pee killed me. Love it.
I played.
Pole dancing lessons? Now there is a sport most hubbys will love!! I played.
Oh and I too am addicted to pop culture. I sooooooo would have taken the sex and the city tour
LOL! The photos are great and funny! I don’t know all the people involved in the third one but very nice story.
I played!
Wow! that first pic is priceless! Excellent work with the borrowed photo…I went a little different direction since I don’t think I have anything borrowed!
I am sure if you like Sex in the City then you will love the upcoming The Devil Loves Prada which I think was written by the same person.
Great SPF! I played as well!
First of all “RIP, little dude” cracked me up. I wasn’t expecting that! Way to go with the pole dancing… I would imagine that’s not easy! I’m sorry the band got jacked in Philly…. gives my city a bad rep and that makes me sad. I’ll hunt down those thieves if its the last thing I do! (I wish you could see the menacing look on my face right now)
My caption: But they apparently welcome fecal deposits.
Eddie died! Aww… he was so awesome. I espeically liked him in the Christmas hats Martin had for him. Because of him, when I can get a dog, it will be an “eddie” dog!
I played!
Ahhh…cool story, thanks Cathy. Yes, it is totally weird. Maybe one of these days we can tell Dylan the whole story. That might take a couple of hours! 🙂
shit, you’re looking hot on that pole! um, that sounds way dirtier than i intended, but oh well. looks like it was a lot of fun. 🙂
Whoa…check out those stripper shoes! Just happen to have those handy Catheroo?
[…] Now, not that I don’t appreciate a good stripper pole. And not that I haven’t thought of having one installed. And not that I don’t have someone I’d like to see using it. And not that she hasn’t ever used one…. […]