
February 15, 2006

valentine’s day gift

the boy gave me a nice gift yesterday. he got the inspiration here.

February 4, 2006

my little man and the boy

for those of you worried that I recycled my cat (as if), here’s proof that he’s alive and well, and making himself comfortable on the allergic one.

closeup head hiding

January 27, 2006

isn’t it ionic?

cat dander removal systemthe boy is allergic to cats. I know! me with an allergic-to-cats boy. the horror! so we splurged on an ionic breeze from sharper image. it quietly cleans the air, sucking away the cat dander and thus creating an allergy-free zone for the boy. those sharper image engineers must have worked for years on perfecting a their prototype, rigorously testing the breeze to offer us customers the best allergen/kitty litterbox smell-removal system on the market.

as a tech writer, I’m naturally good at figuring some things out; as an homage to my fellow tech writers, I should read the manual anyway. but it was so easy to figure out how to operate my new device. look:

step 1: open box

step 2: remove ionic breeze

step 3: cat enters empty box

step 4: close ionic breeze box and dispose of, cat and all, in the recycling bin

there ya go! cat dander all gone!

January 17, 2006

comcastic! comcast dick!

the boy has an incredible tv. it’s got a 65-inch screen, has ear-bleeding surround sound and now, a new hd cable box and dvr. so of course we would watch 24 at his house, rather than on my puny 27-inch boob tube. jack bauer never looked better. explosions never more…well…explosive. blood splatters never more real (ok, I’ve never seen real blood splatters, but you get my point).

jack's backI won’t put any spoilers here for those of you needing to catch up on the 4-hour season premiere, but I will say this about the first scene of day 5:




last night the suspense cotinued where sunday night’s episodes left off, and just as we were beginning the fourth hour of jack’s effed up day, a screen popped up on the tv that said “recording has been lost.” kaput. gonzo. buh-bye. not only was the recording erased, but the dvr controls stopped working. we couldn’t rewind live tv, pause, nuthin’. there wasn’t even a sorry, or sad face, or any emotion in that cold, heartless “you’re screwed” message.


luckily, trusty tivo was in the other room. we quickly ran to see if our reliable old friend could help us. would he take us back, after we were so easily led astray by the shiny, new toy that just died on us?

tivo welcomed us with his happy blips and dings and led us to the continuation of our mind-blowing show. thank goodness the boy hadn’t removed his season pass yet.

oh tivo, how I love thee.

January 11, 2006

la la la

(pardon me while I get all lovey-dovey about my schmoopsie boopsie for a sec.)

today marks 5 months since the boy and I had our first date. and yes, I pay attention to that stuff, and no, I’m not afraid to admit it.

yesterday, my friend krissy commented (not for the first time) that she’s so happy to see me happy now. I asked her if I was sad before, and she assured me I wasn’t outwardly sad or not fun to be around, but there was a dark cloud hovering above me, weighing me down. it’s true. there was. a cloud. a dreary, heavy cloud. and now it’s gone. or maybe now I’m on top of it, and it’s now called cloud 9. ok, I’ll stop.

today his blog songs are lyle lovett’s cute as a bug, and brown-eyed girl by reel big fish (because he doesn’t have the van morrison version). here is why he picked cute as a bug. that’s really cute, huh?

you know what’s even cuter than that? he calls me mon petit fromage. in french, that means my little cheese. but what makes it the cutest is that he’s from wisconsin.

was this not enough cute for you? check out the cute overload blog. if you don’t find that stuff cute, you’re dead inside.

December 30, 2005

I’m back from wisconsin

and despite what everyone warned me about, my ass is fully intact. I did not freeze it off. the weather was quite cooperative, actually, and only got down to the mid- to low-30s. there was snow on the ground for my entire visit, but I did not get to see snow actually falling. the boy managed to pelt me with a snowball though, and four white-tailed deer graced us with their presence in the boy’s parents’ backyard.

meet the parentsnoah and cath
what would possess me to go to wisconsin in december? I must be in love or something. I went to meet the boy’s family. not just mom, dad, and sister (and her husband and their 2 boys), but cousins, and aunts (one by phone) and an uncle, and more cousins, and second cousins, and of course, callie the westie. I’ll admit I was nervous at first. walking through the airport to greet his family, I kept clearing my throat, even after I explained to the boy how sarah jessica parker did the same thing before meeting dermott mulroney’s family in the family stone. but as soon as “mom,” “dad,” and sarah welcomed me with hugs, I was at immediate ease. when we left 6 days later, I almost cried at the airport. had it not been for noah, the boy’s 2-year old nephew exclaiming “seacrest out!” (that the boy taught him to say), and could have burst into tears. this way, I could claim they were tears of laughter at least.

noah is unlike any 2-year old I have ever met. he is almost always happy, and so freaking adorable. he’s amazingly smart too. he called me “cathy girl” at first, but eventually dropped my last name. he was always so happy to see his uncle matte, and by the end of our trip, I got the same reaction from him. little boo caden, at only 3 weeks old, was not quite as animated as his big brother, but it was fun to gush over his cuteness, you betchya. the baby leo designs blankets I got them were a huge hit. I may need to get one for myself.

bullshit no, that’s not what it isone happy cow
my dad wanted me to tell the boy’s family that the reason cows in california are happy is because they’re not in wisconsin. I think it’s because marijuana grows wild in the fields where they graze. whatever the reason, there is one cow bull in wisconsin that is very, very happy. how do I know this, you ask? well, guess what is in this here tank. betchya can’t.

it’s full of bull “love juice.” yes, that stuff. the boy’s uncle sells prize winning bull semen. so, if you’re in the market, the boy can probably hook you up.

I suddenly got a hankerin’ for a hunk o’ cheese, so I’ll end here. I just so happen to have a cow-shaped hunk of cheddar in my fridge…part of my welcome to wisonsin basket I got for christmas from the whole clan.

go badgers!!

December 22, 2005

what’s happening around the country…

look what’ll be happening in my neck of the woods!

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