
August 17, 2007

I had a sandwich for dinner tonight


August 13, 2007

So then, is eating just one cupcake still OK?

I had lunch with my friend Beth today. This is a rare occasion because 1) most of the year she works as a school counselor and doesn’t get a chance to leave campus for lunch and 2) I don’t often get out for a lunch break either, in my very busy, vitally important position at work*.

Beth’s birthday is one week earlier than mine so we exchanged presents over lunch. I got her this deliciously fragrant pomegranate. We discovered these on an extreme shopping spree at Takashimaya in New York City a couple of years ago. Just recently Beth had lamented that her NYC pomegranate was losing it’s oomph, and a light went on in my head. DING! I will find that pomegranate and get her a new one! And I did. And it arrived and sat in my closet for weeks and weeks, adding a lovely aroma to my walk-in. I was sad to see it go, but she was so thrilled to get it, and I was just as happy to give it to her.

About a week ago, the girls (also known as fiends…I must tell that story one day) got together for brunch on what would have been our friend Julie’s 42nd birthday. Our “ritual” is to visit the cemetery and spread out a blanket and share a bottle of her favorite wine, V. Sattui Johannisberg Riesling. We drink it with tiny little plastic naked men hanging off the edge of our cups. And the cups this year had Ariel the Little Mermaid on them, swimming under the sea. In honor of Julie’s favorite Disney character, we also wore Ariel tiaras, as we sat sipping, and laughing…in the cemetery. Irreverent or not, it’s what we do, and it makes us happy. We think Julie likes it too.

But I digress.

While we were sitting on the blanket, probably talking about food or cake or birthdays or something, I mentioned seeing a new cake pan that looked awesome.

Seriously, how cool is this cake?

It is made by using this pan, reminiscent of Madonna’s bra:

Beth gave me that very cake pan today, for my birthday, because Beth hears things. And she remembers things. And then she buys those things. Now I can’t decide what to do with it first…make a ginormous blueberry muffin? A big chocolate cupcake? What to do? What to do?

*I am as vitally important as condoms are in a monastery.

August 11, 2007

My plans for the day

First, to celebrate our first date two years ago today, Matte and I are going to see this:

Then, as a thank you from Shawn and Rachel for watching their house/dog/cats last weekend, they’re treating us to this:

How about you? What are you doing today?”

April 11, 2007

Pay the piper

Yesterday was not a good day. Work was hectic and I was pulled in too many different directions. By the end of the day I was feeling like too many things were out of my control. I needed to blow off some steam. I thought about going to the gym and working out my aggressions on the elliptical, but I had already had a session with my personal trainer at 5:30 that morning. I didn’t want to overdo it, you know. I considered calming down with a beer or four. But then I’d be sure to awaken with a headache this morning, and miss my workout. You see, for the last month or so, I have eaten healthy to the point of being a boring dining companion. At the suggestion of my trainer, I have learned to tolerate protein shakes after my workouts, and eat more protein throughout the day. Carbs? Only before 3 pm (metabolism slows in the afternoon). I gave up sugary sweets over a month ago, and am doing quite well with that. I usually don’t even miss it. The fact that I plan to be a fabulous looking bride in (holyshit!) 44 days has much to do with this new way of life.

But one crappy day, and I discover a way of eating that is worse than what I was doing before I started this transformation.

keep reading Pay the piper

February 5, 2007

How sweet it is

02.03.07On Saturday Matte and I had our wedding cake tasting session. My sister the pastry chef came to offer her suggestions, as did our neighbor Liza. We only got to taste four of the twelve available flavors, but I think we chose the best four in the list. I’m glad we brought along third and fourth opinions because I woke up stuffed up and my taste buds were not performing at their highest capacity that morning. The samples are in the photo. From left to right, they are: traditional spice cake (spiced chiffon cake filled with praline buttercream and cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and cloves), chocolate mocha mousse cake (filled with chocolate-mocha mousse lightly spiked with Kahlua), crème brulée chiffon (light vanilla chiffon cake with a luscious crème brulée filling studded with fresh strawberries), and chocolate-raspberry mousse cake (filled with rich dark chocolate mousse, soaked in Chambord liqueur and fresh raspberries).

First we tried the vanilla chiffon. Matte and I are both huge fans of crème brulée, so we had high hopes for this one. But the cake was, uh…dry. Like I almost cacked, it was so dry. I realize it’d been frozen for awhile, but there was no moisture to this cake whatsoever. And it wasn’t sweet enough for my taste. I did appreciate the little vanilla flecks in the filling, and the strawberries were good, but I immediately had flashes of guests clamoring across the table to pour a pitcher of water down their throats while gasping “Gah! This wedding cake is so dry! (hack!)”

The spice cake, our second taste, was much, much better. Yum. Oh. My. Gawd, Becky! I think it sucked up all the moisture that once resided in the chiffon cake because it was so moist, it almost melted in my mouth. And the filling was fabulous. Not too rich, not too sweet, but just right. And the icing was well, the icing on the cake.

Then came the two chocolate options. I don’t remember which we tasted first, because at my first taste I had a blood chocolate level of .5, which rendered me incapable of forming a logical thought. Wow. The devil’s food cake was good. It was moist and flavorful. But the pow came from the filling. I think I could have gotten drunk off the fumes alone. The chocolate mousse was so very delectably chocolaty. It was just hard to choose between the Chambord and the Kahlua filling. We ultimately chose raspberry after my sister informed me that the raspberries could keep the cake moister. Yes! Must have moist cake!

After we made this vital wedding decision, we headed over to the winery to show Sister and Liza where the wedding will be. I practiced walking to my entrance song, without taking a header down the steps, and then we tasted some wine. Because a breakfast of cake should always be followed by a wine course. And then we continued the wedding research at the restaurant that’s catering the wedding. All four of us tried the caesar salad (with homemade croutons) to accomodate our very large plates of food. We had to make sure our two judges agreed that the cuisine was sufficiently awesome to be served at our wedding. And it was. It is. It will be. Oh, you know what I mean.

2/6/07 UPDATED TO ADD: We opted for two flavors. Our wedding cake will have two layers of spice, and two of chocolate cake with raspberry mousse. I guess writing about all that chocolate got me dizzy again and I forgot to mention the winners!

January 18, 2007

And speaking of Trader Joe’s

How do you all feel about two-buck Chuck? Yay or nay?

The reason I ask is, today our company travel agent was lamenting the lack of Trader Joe’s in her neighborhood because she really wants to buy wine for two dollars. Meh. I use it in cooking…sometimes.

Here’s a picture of our dinner tonight, a pizza made entirely of Trader Joe’s goodies that I bought Tuesday night. We also had some wine we got on Saturday night from the wine release party we went to. Yums all around.


January 17, 2007

Please, please tell me now

…what do you never leave Trader Joe’s without? I want to add to my shopping list.

My staples are:

Kettle brand baked potato chips (honey BBQ is my favorite)
wasabi peas (they hurt my nose but I love them)
freshly diced onions (no more tears!)
frozen mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes without the wait!)
Trader Ming’s Citrus Glazed Chicken with rice (and cashews that I am allergic to, so I leave them off)
Luna bars (Nutz Over Chocolate)

So, what do you like?

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