
April 27, 2006

Stuff Portrait Fridays: Size Matters

This week, Kristine had us take photos of:

1. Something Big
2. Something Small
3. Half of Something

My something big is an old picture I took with my Canon S30 (now that’s old!). It’s a ginormous coffee cup that Daphne decided to hop into one day. She was just a kitten, like 8 or 10 weeks old. At first glance, she looks like a teeny tiny, lilliputian cat. But the cup holds 10 gallons. Yeesh, can you imagine drinking a 10-gallon cup of Starbucks?
Latte Daphne

My something small is a bottle of ketchup from the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. It came with breakfast room service, accompanied by a tiny Tabasco and mini mustard. Isn’t it just the cutest condiment?

Number three is half of the Lean Cuisine Panini I had for dinner. When I was a kid my mom had a very diplomatic way of getting my sister and me to split things. One of us would cut it, and the other would get first pick of the halves. I was meticulous about cutting it exactly in half, so my sister wouldn’t get more than I did. Well, this panini was all mine, so it didn’t matter how I cut it because I ate the whole thing. URP!

Let me know if you played, and be sure to go tell Kristine too.

Happy Friday!!

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