
January 12, 2010

Diptych from WI and CA

I must admit I stole this idea. But I told Finn I was stealing it. You know what they say about imitation being the highest form of flattery. If you haven’t seen Finn’s photos, go take a look – I’ll wait. See? She’s the shizz. (Are the kids still saying that?) When I saw the new diptych project she embarked upon with Ren, well, I knew just who to ask to join me – my sister-in-law Saj. She and I are both doing Project 365 this year and plan to will be taking one photo a day for the ENTIRE YEAR. I figured we can use all the direction and motivation we can get so I suggested to Saj we do the colors of the rainbow like Finn and Ren are.

Do you know how many red things there are in the world? Lots. I was just about to grab my cute little tomatoes off the counter when I spotted something red in a cabinet.

Here is the first diptych in a series of 52 (crosses fingers). Come back every Tuesday for more sparks of creativity.

Saj’s (great minds think alike):
11/365 Tomatoes

Day 11/365 - Red

Next week: orange.

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