
September 3, 2009

I drank the Kool-Aid


I was in a bad mood near the end of the work today, and then I read my writing instructor’s critique of my latest assignment. I’m so frustrated by this brutal class that I don’t plan to take another anytime soon. Rather than wallow in my own self-pity, I grabbed my camera and took a detour home from the office.

I have been seeing what my sister-in-law and my friend Jenni have been doing with I Should Be Folding Laundry‘s YOU CAPTURE projects so I decided to join in the fun.

This week’s assignment was old signs and when I learned that, I knew exactly where to go – the Burbank Cinema.

Burbank Cinema

Not far from the Burbank, I saw this:

And down the street, I stopped at this place, that’s been around since the early 1900s:
O C McDonald

I thought I was done so I headed home, but then this one caught my eye:
If it's hardware we have it

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