
July 8, 2008

Well hello there! Remember me?

Jeez. I buy a house and then travel for work and forget all about my little blog over here. Please do not report this neglect to the authorities. I promise to be more attentive from now on.

Because you’ve been so patiently waiting for me to post something, I’ll be sure to wow you to insane proportions. Or not.

Five Things…

I love

  1. Matte. Matte. Matte. Not the foundation. Not the paint. Not the photo paper. The husband. He is the cat’s pajamas.
  2. Running with Team In Training. I ran tonight for 3 miles, in over 90-degree weather. Because I love running. I hate running in sweltering heat, but not as much as I love running.
  3. 3-day weekends
  4. Blue skies free of smoke. They were here for a couple of days, but then they left and so did the foothills.
  5. Our house. It’s not completely unpacked yet, but it’s ours, and I love it.

I hate

  1. Excel spreadsheets emailed to me without being formatted for printing.
  2. People who flake, especially contractors.
  3. Ants. In my house. Covering the food in the cats’ bowls. Disgusting.
  4. Dolly Parton singing on the Target ads while toilet paper flashes on the screen.
  5. The large callus on my big toe. From running.

I should be better about

  1. Taking and processing photos
  2. Remembering to do things
  3. Keeping in touch with people
  4. Getting to work earlier
  5. Adopting and keeping healthy eating habits
  6. BONUS: blogging

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