
April 20, 2006

Stuff Portrait Fridays: Initial Impressions

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This week Kristine is giving us free rein. Almost. Our assignment is to take photos of things that start with the same letters as our initials.

I’d like to thank my parents for not naming me Zoe Quinn Xanadu.

C is for
c is for chardonnay
Chardonnay from Gundlach Bundschu. We picked up this bottle (and several others) last weekend in Sonoma.

A is for
a is for apple
Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino. I love the name of the street.

L is for
l is for Luce
Luce (rhymes with dooce), Laces, or the L made by Tom Luce’s feet and legs.

Lemme know if you played. And while you’re at it, go tell Kristine too.

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