
March 2, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 35 of 365

  1. Completing my list of books to read for the Official Spring Challenge in the Goodreads “The Next Best Book Club.” I have 40 books on my list to read in the next three months. I know I won’t get through them all, but it’ll be fun to try! (I’m not sure that link will work…you may have to be a Goodreads member. If you are, add me to your friends so we can share book ideas!
  2. Running the Sahara. Insane determination. So much so, that Matte is now inspired to go get running shoes and pound the pavement with me.
  3. Still receiving compliments and thanks on the blanket I made for my co-worker’s baby
  4. Hand-me-downs from a friend, several of which are too big (which is a good thing).
  5. My new webcam. We all got them at work as part of a pilot program. I like to play with the add-on graphics and put on tiaras, glasses, and pig snouts. I am very professional.

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