nobody puts baby in a corner
dirty dancing was on this weekend, and I needed some mindless background noise while I worked on stuff, so I had it on. then I got all wrapped up in it.
don’t you get just a little emotional at the end of dirty dancing when johnny goes up to baby’s family’s table at the end of the season party at the resort, tells off her dad, jerry orbach, grabs baby, and takes her onstage, to dirty dance with her in front of all the vacationers?
don’t you feel just a bit verklempt when first hear the first notes of (i’ve had) the time of my life sung by jennifer warnes and bill medley?
and don’t you get even the tiniest lump in your throat when, during the dance, baby runs towards johnny, and they execute the lift perfectly to the roars of the crowd?
crap, it’s just me then.