6 Oddities
ACK! I’ve been tagged to do the “Six Things” meme. Thanks ever so, weakervessel.
I give you Six Weird Things About Me:
- I sucked my thumb until the ripe old age of 10. But after age 5 or so, the thumb usually wound up in my mouth while I slept. It became an involuntary thing. “What got you to quit, Catheroo?” Slumber parties. I would have been mortified had one of my early-rising friends seen me in my thumb-sucking glory. I started putting a Band-Aid on my thumb if I was going to spend the night at a friend’s. The non thumb-like taste and texture of the adhesive bandage was disgusting and I’d immediately pull my thumb out of my mouth on contact. The trick worked at home too, so eventually I quit my embarrassing habit.