
March 3, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 36 of 365

  1. This print. I love.
  2. Bunco night with the girls, where we don’t play bunco but sit and chat and watch bad TV.
  3. Being grateful that I am not in a relationship with Jason Mesnick. What a douchebag.
  4. Dove dark chocolate
  5. Cheap gas at Costco

March 2, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 35 of 365

  1. Completing my list of books to read for the Official Spring Challenge in the Goodreads “The Next Best Book Club.” I have 40 books on my list to read in the next three months. I know I won’t get through them all, but it’ll be fun to try! (I’m not sure that link will work…you may have to be a Goodreads member. If you are, add me to your friends so we can share book ideas!
  2. Running the Sahara. Insane determination. So much so, that Matte is now inspired to go get running shoes and pound the pavement with me.
  3. Still receiving compliments and thanks on the blanket I made for my co-worker’s baby
  4. Hand-me-downs from a friend, several of which are too big (which is a good thing).
  5. My new webcam. We all got them at work as part of a pilot program. I like to play with the add-on graphics and put on tiaras, glasses, and pig snouts. I am very professional.

March 1, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 34 of 365

  1. Matte’s birthday
  2. Hearst Ranch grass-fed beef burger patty, topped with Gouda at Linn’s Restaurant in Cambria
  3. Olallieberry sparklers at Linn’s Restaurant in Cambria
  4. Sweet potato fries at Linn’s Restaurant in Cambria
  5. Caprese salad at Linn’s Restaurant n Cambria

Our lunch at Linn’s for Matte’s birthday was one of the best meals I have ever eaten. So fresh, perfectly prepared, and absolutely delicious. The location might have helped too. Cambria is such a cute little town. (The town that AT&T Wireless forgot, which makes it even more quaint.)

My meal at Linn’s ranks second only to dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. Sofa king good.

February 28, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 33 of 365

  1. Pismo Beach
  2. Aebleskiver for breakfast in Solvang
  3. Mexican food for lunch in Santa Barbara
  4. Finding treasures at used bookstores
  5. New Dansko clogs (from Solvang, of course!)

February 26, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 31 of 365

  1. These coasters
  2. Packing for a weekend away. I usually hate packing, but this time, I’m kinda digging it.
  3. Three-day weekends!
  4. Planning a surprise weekend out of town for Matte’s birthday.
  5. Being resourceful and backdating posts. Shhh…

February 25, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 30 of 365

  1. My kitchen is clean again
  2. My living room is clean again
  3. The books I’m sending through are packed and ready to be shipped. I think there are 7 or so? Plus 3 DVDs. I shall sit back and watch my points roll into my account.
  4. Yay! A new book in my mailbox when I got home tonight!
  5. Tomorrow is my Friday because I am taking a 3-day weekend. Yay again!

February 24, 2009

Grace in Small Things Part 29 of 365

  1. I sent a book through Paperback Swap to the wrong person. But, lo and behold, it got returned to me from the post office before it ever got to them, so now I can send it to the right person. It got returned to me because apparently it weighs more than 13 ounces, and needed to be taken to the counter, not just put into the drop box for packages.
  2. I won a free book on! Yay me!
  3. I gave my coworker the blanket I knitted for his baby today (my coworker’s first day back at work) and he loved it.
  4. I still have a job. I should chant that every morning really.
  5. The library got The Elegance of the Hedgehog in, just in time for me to read along with Very Bookish. I also have the other book they’re reading in March, but I’m not sure I can read two simultaneously.
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