
October 19, 2005

gremlins have taken over my blog

no, not this kind

nor this kind

but this kind

anyway, my mom just called to comment on my “ode to mom’s bag lunches” post and let me know that there was a typo in it.


number one, I am a technical writer…no, a senior technical writer, and therefore my posts never have typos or misspellings (except when they do).
number two, I am a virgo, and the idea that my blog has a typo in it makes me throw up a little in my mouth.
number three, and most disturbing, is that the very word that is misspelled is the same word I misspelled in my elementary school spelling bee. c-h-o-i-s-e.

I need to call phoebe cates and zach galligan right away.

one person has roominated about “gremlins have taken over my blog”

  • Cindy Lou says:

    and you know the funniest part about this post? that you actually remember the word you misspelled in your elementary school spelling bee. it bothered you that much. haha.

roominate on this yourself